Review: KeySmart Key Fob Solution

Do you hate having a big bulky set of keys in your pocket or handbag? I have to admit that I am not a big fan of having to carry something weighty with the threat of being poked by pointy keys in my pocket. So when I spotted the KeySmart Key Fob being advertised on Facebook I was so curious I had to buy one to try to try it out!

The KeySmart Key Fob was designed by people just like me who hate being annoyed by being poked by sharp keys on a bulky key ring, and is described as the solution to this pesky problem. After much prototyping, testing and re-designing the KeySmart was born.

What I can only describe as a ‘Swiss Army Knife for keys’, the KeySmart is made from a lightweight aluminium frame and with stainless steel hardware for durability. Simply remove your keys from their bulky and awkward key rings and sandwich them at either end of the KeySmart frame. The ends screw into place to secure the keys, you can tighten them using a coin. Make sure they keys face inwards.

It’s important to make sure the ends of the KeySmart are at the same ‘height’, so you are provided with little spacers to make sure this is so. Assembling is a bit tricky at first, but you do get the hang of it. My only issue is that one of my keys is a bit too big for the KeySmart frame so it doesn’t quick ‘shut’ properly, however, if you have normal flat keys this shouldn’t be a problem.

Of course my car key doesn’t fit inside the frame itself, but the KeySmart comes with a handy loop to which you can attach any stray keys to. This does ruin the slim-line effect a bit, but this is no fault of the KeySmart product, only my silly car key. You can also buy additional attachments such as a USB stick, a lanyard, a bottle opener and quick release devices.

When tightening the keys inside the frame be careful not to tighten them too much, as I have found that this inhabits the ability of the keys to ‘glide’ out when you need them.

Overall I have to admit that I am rather taken with the KeySmart and recommend it to anyone who is looking for a more streamlined option for their bulky key rings. I do find the difficulties with my chunky key and over-tightness of the screws a bit annoying so will be awarding the KeySmart Key Fob 3 out of 5.






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