5 Tips to find the family friendly job you want

I have been working in a freelance capacity now for 4 years and I have learned a lot in my time working for myself, some positive and some not so positive. No matter what I have really enjoyed being able to work from home and spend more time with my family and furbabies and I have come to realise just how important work-life balance is.
This time has also allowed me to reflect on careers in general and I am so inspired by all the parents out there who find time to work as well as care for their family. It isn’t always easy finding a job which works around children, here are five top tips to help anyone looking for a family friendly job.
Be Clear About What you Want
Getting the right work-life balance is important when you are bringing up young children. It can seem daunting to find a job that will fit in with your family commitments. Set clear boundaries for how you want to divide your time between home and work and don’t be too ready to compromise. Look for creative ways to achieve that work-life balance.
Plan Ahead
Before you plunge into your job-hunt, take time to plan your career and think about how to get to where you want to be. Your job search will then be much more focused. In the past I have jumped into looking for exciting sounding roles which upon reflection weren’t really what I was looking for. Avoid disappointment by really knowing what you want and plan to reach that goal.
Find Out More
Spend time researching different career paths and how different types of work can accommodate the work-life balance you want. Which companies and organisations have a reputation for being family-friendly or have the kind of values that make for a good working environment? Check out this article from Forbes detailing well paid careers for parents. What kind of career would best suit your strengths and interests? Talk to family and friends about how they found their own career paths and what they enjoy or don’t enjoy about their work. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the company in question and find out how they feel about flexible hours or part time opportunities before applying to avoid disappointment.
Conduct a Smart Job Search
These days, most job searches start online. There are numerous career sites on which you can search for job vacancies and post your CV. Additionally, most larger companies and organisations will post their vacancies on their own websites. Make sure you regularly check careers pages for updated roles. Social media can also be a good way to find out about any opportunities going from among your wider acquaintance.
Social media can also be a good way to find out about any opportunities going from among your wider acquaintance. Take care to leave a good impression when using social media. Your job hunt shouldn’t begin and end online however, be proactive at using social connections to make contact with potential employers in the areas you are interested in. I have to admit that my husband has great networking skills, don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to people in your desired field to lay some foundations. They may well remember your name next time an opening comes up at their company.
Don’t Give Up!
Job hunting can be discouraging work. Getting knocked back by a series of rejections, or worse, not having your application acknowledged at all can leave you feeling as though you’re wasting your time or doubting what you have to offer. It’s important to remember that finding the right job takes time and persistence will pay off. The tenth No may well be followed by a Yes!