DIY Snowflake Lotion Bars

The cold weather months can greatly compromise skin health, triggering such conditions as dry skin or eczema (itchy, dry, reddish patches or lesions on the skin) which can vary in severity. At this time of year, I like to try and make my own skincare products to help soothe sore skin.
Using beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil combined with a selection of essential oils, it’s easy to make your very own winter lotion bars to help keep your skin in tip-top condition this winter.
Why not give it a go and make your own? You can even give them away as Christmas gifts!
Makes 12 bars if using the same mold
- 2 oz beeswax
- 2 oz shea butter
- 2 oz coconut oil
- 7 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 10 drops peppermint essential oil
- 6 drops of lemon essential oil
- 3 drops of tea tree essential oil
- Snowflake mold
- 4 cup microwave-safe measuring cup with a spout
- Woodcraft stick for stirring

- Layer the beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil in the measuring cup, and heat on high in the microwave for 30-second intervals, stirring between each heating session until fully melted.

- Allow to cool for just a few minutes, then add essential oils and stir well.

- Pour into the mold, and allow to set for 2-3 hours before unmolding.

- Present the lotion bars in a gift box, envelope, or simply wrapped in tissue paper!