Does a Metal Roof Make Your House Hotter?

One of the primary concerns homeowners have when choosing metal roofing is the temperature within their home. As per science, metal is a ‘good’ conductor of heat, so homeowners will eventually think that it results in a warmer home during the summer season. 

The logic may be rational, but it does not hold true for roofing all the time. The most common belief is that metals that are exposed to the sun get too hot to touch, but that does not mean your home will get hot during the summer season. 

This article elaborates on whether metal roofs make the house hotter during the summer months. As you go forward, you will also find out if metal roofs are the right choice for you. 

Consider The Type Of Finish

Metal is indeed a good conductor of heat, but whether the metal absorbs the heat or not depends on the type of finish. The good news is that there are certain types of finishes and coatings are tailor-made to reflect sunlight. This will keep your roof cooler, and the heat will not enter your home. 

Tri-Pigment reflective technology has the ability to reflect 70% of the sunlight. This reduces the energy needs, and also keeps your home cool during summer months. 

In addition, proper ventilation and insulation below the roof will also keep your home cool. 

Chose Your Colours Wisely

The colour of the metal also plays a crucial role in reflecting heat. As the rightful owner of the home, you have the option of choosing the metal roof colour. According to, darker colour absorb more heat. Colour like yellow and pink are known as, ‘bright colour’ because they reflect a high degree of light. Hence, choosing black or a dark blue might not be the best pick, especially if you are living in a region where there is too much sunshine. 

No matter what roofing material you choose (asphalt shingles, metal, or natural stone), picking a darker colour will absorb more heat.

The colour not only offers aesthetic value, but it also helps to keep your home cooler. 

Did you know that green roofs absorb sunlight? But, the green roofs are put to good use. The United States Environmental Protection Agency states that the popularity of green roofs has increased due to their ecological benefits. It provides natural insulation for the building/home. Moreover, green look aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. It adds an elegant and vintage charm to the building. 

If you want your home to be cooler in the summer months, opt for colours like beige, white, light blue, or bronze. When your home is cooler, it will reduce the electric bills too. You would not need to turn on the air conditioner as much to keep your home cool. 

Consider The Sun Exposure And Mass Of Materials

Based on scientific research, if the roof gets direct sunlight, it will get hotter. As the sun goes down, the metal will cool down. But, if you are choosing a heavy metal (more mass), it will take longer to cool down. 

A lighter material will lose heat at a speedy pace as compared to heavier materials. If you want to learn more about this and find the perfect metal roof, learn more from reputable providers such as Exclusive Metal Roofing. They offer a range of quality roofing solutions and installation services. Visit their website to read more about their products and how they could benefit your home.

How Do Metal Roofs Improve Energy Efficiency?

The factors that affect a metal roof’s energy efficiency include how well the roofing has been installed and the quality of the material. 

This section provides insight into how metal roofs improve overall energy efficiency. 

Reflective Surface Consideration

If you are using wood tile, Asphalt shingles, or concrete, it will absorb heat quickly. On the other hand, metal reflects sunlight. The finish and lighter colour used on the metal will reflect the light, so the roofing will not absorb heat. Moreover, metal roofing have a lower thermal mass as compared to other materials. 

Fast and Efficient Roof Ventilation

Choosing the right contractor for the job is a crucial step. They will install the roof correctly and will also provide plenty of ventilation. The amalgamation of soffits and ridge vents keeps the air out of the attic. This is important for both the summer and winter months. Since the moisture will be out of the attic space, there will be fewer chances of getting mildew and mold.

Insulation is an efficient way to eliminate heat from the home. If you are living in a larger building, consider insulating it to reduce energy costs. The contractor will help you out with the insulation options. The most famous insulation options include ‘Double Bubble Insulation’ and ‘Rigid Foam.’ 

Is a Metal Roof Right For You?

Metal is an excellent choice for those who want durability, a visually appealing look, and energy efficiency. 

However, homeowners need to consider the climate in their region. If your area stays cool most of the year, then a darker colour might be a better pick. 

Moreover, there may be tall trees in your area. If these trees are providing shade to your metal roof, then a darker colour can be an option for you. In the case of living in a colder region, the foliage could lead to snow accumulation on the roof. The darker color roofing helps the ice and snow to thaw and melt. 

Hence, your area’s climatic conditions play a crucial role while choosing a colour and finish for the roofing. 

Metal roofing is ideal for both warmer and colder areas, but you have to be watchful of the colours and finish you choose. 

Now that you are aware of the various myths, and facts, you can install a metal roof and save energy costs and make your home look visually stunning. Do give it a thought before choosing the colour and talk about the insulation and ventilation options with your contractor. 

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