How To Choose the Right Baby Formula

Since baby formula was invented in 1869 there have been heated debates over whether breast is best. It seems to have got worse over the past couple of decades when people have been judged harshly over the choice to use baby formula over breastfeeding. This makes many parents feel like they are failing their children with their choice of feeding. If you choose the right baby formula, your baby will get all of the nutrition that they need. As the saying goes – Fed Is Best.
Mother’s milk is very nutritious and it has fed babies for thousands of years, but back in the day, if there was a reason that you couldn’t feed your baby, your baby would go without food and starve. If you could afford it, you could get a wet nurse. But since the invention of formula baby milk mothers that couldn’t lactate for any reason or were too ill to feed their baby can feed their baby. Bottle feeding isn’t lazy feeding.
Choosing The Right Formula That Your Baby Will Settle With
There are many different baby formulas to try your baby on and even if one is great for your friend’s child, it might not be good for yours. And the thing is, that it is going to be trial and error. You are not going to know how your baby will settle with formula milk until they are born. So for that reason, you shouldn’t stock up on baby formula. Buy one tin and some small ready-made bottles for the hospital. Stick to one brand of formula, because you cannot chop and change the formula all of the time.
There will be many different things to take into consideration when you need to choose the right baby formula. Budget is one of the things you need to look at. You can get the baby formula from around £10 a tub and that should last on average a week with a newborn. But prices do vary and some baby formula can be as expensive as £15 depending on where you buy it. Some supermarkets like Aldi make their own baby formula and it is cheaper than normal well-known brands. Worried you’ll end up buying too much? You might not realise it, but you can sell unused formula online and get back some of the money you’ve spent.
If your baby doesn’t settle on milk or they become sick after feeding, it is okay to change their milk. It really is trial and error, but you will get there eventually. After trying a few kinds of milk and your baby is struggling to keep milk down or they look like they are in pain after feeding, they could have a milk intolerance.
Mum Guilt With Bottle Feeding
For many new mums out there, choosing a baby formula often makes them feel guilty. They feel like their baby isn’t getting enough nutrition and building up their immune system. But a baby formula is enough, it has added nutrition and it is enough to help your baby grow and thrive. Many people think they won’t create such a close bond with their baby if they don’t breastfeed. But you will still be holding your baby and cuddling them to feed them. And bottle feeding also gives the other parent a chance to bond with the baby during feeding times. You can still get the skin to skin contact whilst feeding if you take off your top and get close to your baby.
There is no need to feel guilty because you are feeding your baby, and it doesn’t Whether you choose breast or bottle. Because the important thing is that you are feeding your baby and helping them to get stronger by the day.
Parenting is a journey and you will find the right path. There might but hurdles along the way but you will figure it out with your baby.