How to Cope with a Mouldy Carpet

Mould in your home should be treated as a serious problem as it can cause a number of diseases. What is the reason for the appearance of mould underneath the carpet? There can be several reasons – for instance, applying too much water on the carpet in the process of domestic carpet cleaning, spillage of some liquid without proper drying of the carpet, high level of moisture in the room, etc.

How to Get Rid of Mould with Professional Carpet Cleaning Products?

Fungicides are special chemicals for killing fungi. Most often, they are released in the form of sprays for spraying over the surface. However, not all of these tools are suitable for the processing of textile and woven products. Before buying an antifungal product, you need to read the instructions and find out on what materials it can be used.

The general algorithm of actions to combat mould on the carpet:

First, you need to change into work clothes, protect your hands with rubber gloves, use a breathing mask and goggles. With minimal impact on mould, fungal spores fly through the air and settle in various places. Therefore, protection in this matter is so important.

It is better to carry out further manipulations with the carpet, taken out in the backyard. When this is not possible, you should drag it to another part of the room, since the fungus can also settle in the flooring. If this happens, then the floor is also subject to appropriate treatment.

You can also clean the carpet in the flat, but this will require good ventilation. Therefore, you should completely open the windows, but on the contrary, close the doors so that the mould does not settle in other rooms.

The main task is to remove all accumulations of mould. Therefore, the carpet must be diligently rubbed with a stiff washing brush, both on the front and on the back side. Next, vacuum the carpet.

A fungicide should be sprayed onto the surface of both sides of the carpet. It is important that the product is absorbed deep into the pile of the carpet. You can enhance the effect and wipe the infected areas with a brush again.

Further actions are determined by the instructions of the carpet cleaning solution. Most of them do not require rinsing. However, the carpet will have to be dried anyway.

All improvised means that were used to combat the fungus should also be treated with fungicide.

If the floor has been infected, then it should be cleaned according to the same principle. If the flooring remains clean, then you only need to dry it. For prevention purposes, the area under the carpet can be wiped with a sponge dipped in vinegar. Another 3-4 days the room requires constant ventilation in order to get rid of the spores flying in the air.

Home made Ways to Combat Mould

Home methods help remove mould from the carpet, but they are not always effective. Some are able to act only on certain types of fungus, while others cope only with minimal lesions. Most commonly used:

  • vinegar;
  • iodine;
  • soda.

Vinegar. The liquid is applied to the surface undiluted with a sponge. For a better effect, vinegar is left for 1 hour, after which it is washed off with water. Such a tool does not affect all types of fungus and can damage the pile of the carpet.

Iodine. This method is only suitable for dark – coloured carpets. On a light pile, diluted iodine may appear as yellow spots. In 10 litres of water, you need to add 15-20 drops of the product, stir, process the areas with mould and wait until it dries completely.

Soda. Soda is a universal domestic carpet cleaning product, which gives excellent results! Conventional baking soda eliminates mould and destroys the smell of dampness. It is necessary to prepare a solution from it with the addition of a small amount of water and apply to the affected areas. After the mixture has completely dried, it must be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Using Professional Carpet Cleaning Sidcup

Contacting a professional carpet cleaning company is always a wise choice, especially when it comes to a serious threat for your health, like the presence of mould in the house. Those, offering expert carpet cleaning services, best know what kind of products are the most effective ones for the specific problem.

Along with mould removal, they will perform a deep carpet cleaning procedure, which will eliminate the unpleasant odour and will make your carpet look like a brand new! Steam carpet cleaning services are a nice option for disinfecting the carpet, as steam carpet cleaning is used as a method for killing bacteria, allergens and other harmful microorganisms. However, the specialists have to determine whether your carpet can be treated with steam.

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