How to Create a More Comfortable and Productive Home Office

More and more homes feature a home office in recent years. This is because more people work from home, either as part of their jobs or because they want to set up their own business. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a remote worker, a better home office will make your workday more enjoyable and more productive. Here are a few ways to design a home office that’s perfect for your working day.

Ergonomic Furniture

What is ergonomics? In short, ergonomics refers to something that has been designed for both efficiency and comfort in the workplace. 

This means that they are fit for purpose. In the early days of lockdown, many people set up shop at kitchen tables with dining chairs, or they’d just work from a sofa or even their beds. These people very quickly realized that this is by no means the most comfortable way to work.

A sofa or bed is designed for comfort, but not when you’re leaning over a laptop trying to type up reports. They don’t provide the right amount of support when you work.

Instead, you should use a desk and an office chair that is designed for work. This means that they provide the right amount of space and support so you can work comfortably. Your desk setup should also follow the same principles. Your monitor should be at eye level so you aren’t slumping in your chair to see, and your keyboard should be designed for your line of work.

Take Quick Breaks

While it doesn’t sound like the most productive way to work, you should make it easy for yourself to take short breaks. Give yourself something to look at other than your screen. Posters and paintings are a great decorative touch, and they also allow you to rest your eyes.

A water cooler can make it quick and easy to keep yourself hydrated. This prevents you from getting too thirsty and potentially giving yourself a headache due to dehydration. 

Studies have shown that quick, 17 minute breaks every 52 minutes can actually improve your productivity because you use your 52 minutes to actually focus on your work. Of course, you should make sure that you find break schedules that work for you, but this shows that regular breaks are more productive than no breaks at all.

Add Plants and Light

A well-lit working area is an attractive and productive working area. If the only real source of light is your computer screen, you’re asking for eye strain and headaches. Natural light is ideal, so set yourself up near a window but in an area that won’t create glare on your screen.

Another good addition to every office room is a house plant. The best plants are ones that don’t need a lot of looking after. Plants are proven to improve air quality and even the mental and cognitive health of the people in the room, so it’s worth adding one or two to decorate your home office.

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