How To Fight Hair Loss

If you are suffering from hair loss it can be quite a stressful time. There are many things that you can do to slow down hair loss shared by specialist trichologist, London.

1.         Wash Your Hair Regularly Using Mild Shampoo

Washing your hair with mild shampoo helps remove dirt, excess oils, and dead skin and maintain healthy pH levels.  A clean scalp and hair also give the impression of more hair volume and reduce the risk of infections, dandruff, and hair loss.

2.         Take Vitamin Supplements

The human body gets much of the essential vitamins from the foods we eat.  Vitamins play numerous roles in the body, such as boosting immunity and, in this case, promoting hair growth.  Some of the essential vitamins needed for hair growth include vitamin E (increase blood circulation in the scalp), vitamin A (promotes healthy sebum production), and vitamin B (maintaining its natural colour). Supplementing your intake of these vitamins can thus help reduce or combat hair loss and promote boosting hair growth.

3.         Add Proteins to Your Diet Plan

Proteins provide hair’s building blocks, hence essential for combating hair loss. Adding high-quality proteins to your diet plans, such as fish, lean meats, and soy, can thus help promote hair growth.

4.         Massage Your Scalp with Essential Oils

Massaging your scalp with essential oils can help rejuvenate hair growth too. These essential oils contain properties that help reactivate hair follicles, thus triggering new growth.

5.         Don’t Brush Wet Hair

Wet hair is considerably weaker than dry hair. Brushing damp hair thus increases chances of breaking and continued hair loss. It would therefore be advisable to let your hair dry first before combing or brushing. Use a wide-toothed comb to brush your hair to allow its strands to untangle freely.

6.         Rub Ginger, Onion, Or Garlic Juice on Your Scalp

Do this in the evening, and let the juices sit till morning. Rinse off with cool water and repeat every day for noticeable results.

7.         Stay Hydrated

25% of your hair is made of water. It would help if you thus drank lots of water (at least eight glasses) to keep all cells hydrated and promote healthy hair growth.

8.         Massage The Scalp with Green Tea

Put two tea bags of green tea in a cup of warm water, let it cool, then massage your hair and the scalp with it. Let it sit for at least one hour, then rinse off with cool water. Repeat this for at least a week to see a difference. Rubbing green tea in hair has been shown to help prevent hair loss.

9.         Avoid habits that may promote hair loss

Some habits, such as rubbing your towel on wet hair, can trigger hair loss. Let your hair dry naturally instead.

10.       Reduce your alcohol intake

Heavy alcohol intake can have detrimental effects on hair growth. Cutting down on alcohol intake or quitting altogether can thus help boost growth.

11.       Quit smoking

Cigarette smoking is believed to trigger hair loss. This is because it contains compounds believed to restrict blood flow to the scalp.  Quitting might be all you need to prevent hair loss.

12.       Exercise

Lack of physical exercise can also trigger stunted hair growth or even hair loss.  Regular exercise promotes the circulation of nutrient-rich blood in the scalp, boosting hair growth.

13.       Learn to manage stress

Chronic stress leads to hormonal imbalance that may trigger hair loss in many people. Managing stress however helps reduce this risk and is good for your health as well. Simple de-stressing techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or listening to music, can help.

14.       Avoid constant heating and drying procedures

These procedures only weaken the air, causing them to be fragile and thinner. It would thus be advisable to seek alternative hair treatment methods to curb hair loss.

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