Quick Craft: Seaside Picture Frame

When you have a design in your head, you tend to know exactly what you want. But often it is hard to find what you want in the shops. That is why homemade is always the best. Here we would like to show you how to make a seaside picture frame, which is perfect as a memento from a fun trip to the beach!
- Distressed/old photo frames
- Small Driftwood Pieces
- PVA Glue / Glue Gun
- Sand paper
- Wood Stain
- Rope
- Hammer And Nails Or A Staple Gun
- Seaweed, Shells, Pebbles, Coloured Beach Glass
- Take the distressed frames and sand them down. If they have some old paint on them, sand it down. Strengthen the frames if you can do. You can do this by glueing them or hammering nails into them. You can stain it for a more authentic beach look.
- Decide where you want to place your driftwood on your frame. Move the pieces around until you’re happy with the result. Glue the driftwood around the frame, making sure the pieces are securely in place otherwise they will fall off when the frame is hung.
- Take your staple gun or nails attach the rope to the top of the frame. Make sure it is secure enough to use to hang. Drape the seaweed across the frame and glue the shells, stones, and coloured glass to add some colour and decorate the frame.
- You can also add the driftwood around your mirror, then the coloured stones and shells will reflect back and add some colour to the room on a sunny day. This makes such a great memory of a day out that you have had at the beach with friends and family.