Recipe: Vegan Matcha Cookies
Matcha is traditionally made as a tea, however, there are tonnes of creative ways to incorporate it into a range of recipes. Ceremonial grade matcha is the most expensive but it is the top choice for baking because it retains the lovely vibrant green colour after baking. Cheaper matcha powder doesn’t produce the bright green colour in baked goods.
These cookies are delicious and super easy to make so this recipe is perfect for new and experienced bakers alike. They only take 10-12 minutes to bake so there’s no excuse! So, give them a go!
- 200g of Almond Flour
- 1/2 tsp Baking soda
- 1 tsp Baking powder
- 30g Maple syrup
- 2 tsp Matcha powder
- 60g Vegetable oil
Start by preheating the oven at 180 °C – 350°F.
In a bowl mix together all your dry ingredients; almond flour, matcha powder, baking soda, and baking powder. Stir with a fork or spoon to combine.
Next, add the maple syrup and vegetable oil, with the help of a wooden spoon mix all together until you rich a smooth dough.
Then, add in the dark choco-chip, try to fold until the chocolate chips are combined but don’t overmix.
Line a baking sheet with baking paper, take a spoon of the matcha dough around 30gr to make the matcha cookies
Use your hands, to make flat the cookies by press down the top.
Bake the cookies for 10-12 minutes. Be careful don’t overcook them. Let them cool down for 1-2 minutes. Transfer them to a place or bowl and your vegan matcha cookies are ready to serve.
Vegan Matcha Cookies can be stored in the refrigerator for about 4 days. If you wish you can freeze the dough.
If this has got you hankering for some more sweet treats check out this fab recipe roundup at Tea and Cakes for the Soul.