Relieving Anxiety Before Travelling: Tips and Tricks

Travelling can be a stressful experience for even the brave-hearted. With so much to think about, the process can be daunting. If you find yourself struggling with travel anxiety, it’s essential to put yourself in a positive frame of mind and find strategies that help alleviate your stress. In this article, we’ll be discussing some tips and tricks to help you relieve your anxiety.

Travel with a companion:

If you aren’t an experienced traveller, it’s probably best not to go solo if you are experiencing anxiety. Find yourself a companion who is confident at the airport, and can help make sure everything runs smoothly. This way, you don’t have to worry about being alone, and they can support you if you start to feel uneasy during the flight.

Practice meditation:

Relaxation methods, such as yoga and meditation, have been proven to help relieve stress and anxiety symptoms. Even young children and babies can benefit from yoga! Regular meditation can also boost your health and provide long term resilience. Remember to pack some headphones so that you can practice anywhere at any time. 

Try CBD oil:

CBD oil is a central component of the cannabis plant. However, it does not have adverse mental health effects and is not psychoactive. Research has recently been conducted that showcase its benefits in reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. Check out this guide to CBD oil, to see the best products available. If you don’t feel up to trying CBD oil, have a look into the benefits of essential oils.

List the positives of the experience:

If you start second-guessing your travels, try and remember the positives that come from the experience. Are you traveling to see your friends or relatives? Or maybe you’re on your way to see the Egyptian pyramids? Write down a list, and keep it with you. If you ever have doubts, take a look and remember why you are here in the first place.

Take things with you to distract yourself:

While you are on the plane, in the car or on the boat, try and take with you some supplies to keep yourself distracted. A laptop full of movies, or a good book might just be the perfect thing to keep your mind off everything else. You’ll be at your destination before you know it!

Reach out to a professional:

Finally, if you find that you are too overwhelmed to travel, it might be best to reach out to a mental health professional. They can help provide you with support and management strategies and help you let all those worries off your chest. They might also recommend you to a doctor, as medications can also help with anxiety symptoms.

Good luck, and remember you are not alone! Currently, 1 in 13 people are affected by anxiety, and we are all working together to spread awareness and teach others about the condition. Ask for support if you need it, and remember that list of positives. Share your photos, and most importantly, have fun!

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