Review: HUAWEI 3G SIM Free Mobile WiFi Device

As a blogger, digital markeing freelancer and modern woman nothing bugs me more than discovering that I am in a non-WiFi zone. I know it sounds awful but these days being without Internet access is a bit of a disaster especially when I have a blog post to write or work to do!
Having recently been working in a space without WiFi I decided to look into alternatives and came across the HUAWEI 3G SIM Free Mobile WiFi Device on Amazon which advertised a secure 3G mobile WiFi hotspot allowing me to work wherever there is mobile signal, so I went for it along with a Pay As You Go Trio Data SIM Preloaded with 12 GB of Data from Three.
The HUAWEI 3G SIM Free Mobile WiFi Device is perfectly sized for an on-the-go device, being about the size of a matchbox but about half as tall, it can easily be slipped into a pocket or laptop bag. I was a little worried that it would be hard to set up, but my fears were soon allayed as it was pretty simple!
Take the back off of the WiFi Device, slip in the SIM card (the device is unlocked to all networks) and place the battery in the back. I recommend taking note of the WiFi key which is on a sticker behind where the battery goes! Of course, you will need to charge it for a few hours – the LEDs will indicate then it’s ready to go.
Next turn on the device and look out for a HUAWEI WiFi network signal on your phone/tablet/computer. It takes a minute or so to appear and then connect to it using the WiFi key you noted down earlier. Tah-dah. Easy! You’re now connected and ready to use the Internet from wherever you are!
The HUAWEI 3G SIM Free Mobile WiFi Device boasts high-speed internet access with HSPA+ technology and so far I haven’t been disappointed. Of course, it is a little slower than what I am used to at home but it is not at all getting in the way of getting my work done in a timely manner.
The device allows you to connect up to 10 WiFi-enabled devices at the same time which is handy if you want to use your phone and laptop at the same time! You can download the Huawei Mobile App (available for both Android and iOS) to see how much data you have used and to access other settings.
So far I have been very pleased with this handy little device which lets me get on with my work no matter where I am. It is fast to set up, easy to use and very portable. I certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to connect to the Internet when away from home or the office. I award it 5 out of 5 stars.