Review: Oskie’s Unchewable Dog Seat Belt
If you are transporting your dog in your car there are some important safety implications to be aware of both for you and your canine companion. If your dog isn’t secured properly and you are involved in an accident you run the risk of being injured by your dog crushing you and of course, your dog can easily be injured too.
If you have a travel crate or your dogs travel in the boot of your car you are pretty much protected against these sorts of issues, however, if like Lexi your dog travels on the back seat of your car you need to make sure you have the equipment in place to keep them secure.
We have had several different doggie seat belts in the past which clip into the normal seat belt clasp and attach to the dog’s harness in combination with a car protector that covers the foot wells, however, Lexi being the rambunctious pup that she is, loves to chew them up – ultimately destroying them!
Having had enough of replacing the fabric style seat belts I decided to find a more hardy option and came across Oskie’s unchewable dog seat belt on Amazon. Unlike the previous seat belts I had used, the Oskie belt is made of metal (yay!), so Lexi can’t destroy it by chewing on the seat belt en route between our favourite walks and home.
It is easy to attach to Lexi’s harness and is approximately 20 inches from harness clip to seat belt clip giving her enough space to be comfortable but at the same time, secure. It also has a seat belt clip 3 times thicker for increased strength to support your dog’s weight and stop them from popping free, should the worst happen.
We have been using the unchewable dog seat belt from Oskie twice a day since getting it and I am very happy with the results. The belt provides a safe and comfortable way for Lexi to travel and gives me peace of mind. I award it 5 out of 5 stars and would recommend it to anyone who has a pup who loves to chew and travel!