Review: WeLoveMaple Maple Syrup

I have very fond memories of sitting by my parents’ open fire in the winter toasting crumpets and then lavishing them with maple syrup. There’s nothing better than a piping hot crumpet and deliciously sweet syrup as a treat, although I am sure I must have made a mess dribbling syrup everywhere!
Of course back then, when I was younger, I didn’t really know anything about where maple syrup came from but now I know better, so when We Love Maple got in touch asking me to try out a range of their quality syrups I was happy to give them a go. They sent me four sample 50ml bottles, each containing a different grade of syrup (did you know there were different types?)
Canada produces 71% of the world’s pure maple syrup, with 91% of this being made in Quebec. Maple syrup has long been part of Canada’s cultural fabric with their Amerindian peoples teaching the early settlers how to harvest the sap. These days it is harvested by tapping holes into healthy maple trees and allowing the sap to be collected and then boiled down into a concentrated format.
As I mentioned there are four grades of syrup:
- Extra Light maple syrup. Derived from syrup collected at the very beginning of the season it is light in colour andhas a delicate flavour.
- Light maple syrup. Harvested after the Extra Light, the Light syrup also is light in colour with a pure, delicate taste. It is perfect for use in vinaigrettes or drizzled over sweet and savoury dishes.
- Medium maple syrup. The most popular syrup, the Medium is harvested next. It has a more pronounced maple flavour is perfect for cooking, desserts and sauces.
- Amber maple syrup. Last to be harvested, the Amber syrup is considerably darker in colour and has a big rich maple flavour. Use this syrup in sauces and glazes.
I have very much enjoyed trying the different types of syrup and have to admit that the amber is my favourite, with it’s bold flavour. You may have spotted the syrup in a few of my recent posts such as my post about free-from crumpets and a modern version of a favourite childhood memory in my ice cream soda.
I found it really interesting to learn more about this beautiful product and award the range of Canadian Pure Maple Syrups 5 out of 5 stars.