The Advantages of Reclaiming Wood for Our Homes
Homeowners are understandably becoming more and more concerned that the way they live might be having an adverse effect on the environment and handmade furniture is coming back in! This has previously included concerns about how they fuel their homes and the insulation used to keep this heat in. Another consideration might be what the objects within the home are made from. For instance, plastic items have a habit of ending up in our oceans.
Anything constructed of wood might have resulted in a tree having been cut down from a forest. The solution, in the case of wood, is to make sure that the wood used is reclaimed. For example, you might consider fitting a reclaimed wood mantel around your fireplace.
This article will discuss three advantages of using reclaimed wood.
Reclaimed wood is an environmentally friendly option for any home. By choosing it, you are reducing the demand in relation to newly sourced lumber or timber. This will help to curb deforestation. This is the decrease of forest areas around the world, which one by one are being lost to agriculture or mining. From 1960 onwards, this has been accelerated by humans. It has a negative effect on natural ecosystems, the climate, and biodiversity.
By keeping the trees in place, we are protecting these forests. Trees produce oxygen as they break down the sugars which they have created during the photosynthesis process which gives them energy. Trees will produce more oxygen than they need, which then provides an oxygen supply to humans and animals. This is how important trees are to the exitance of civilization as we know it. In addition, responsibly harvested reclaimed wood in turning into a renewable resource reduces landfill waste and the use of the hazardous chemicals that are being used to manufacture completely new products.
So, with the environment in mind, next time we look for a piece of wooden furniture, or a wooden surround for our fireplace, it ought to be worth considering one made from reclaimed wood. There is an article that you might like to read on stopping deforestation.
Visual Splendour
Aesthetically, reclaimed wood creates a rustic look and feel for the home. It is currently trending among top interior designers. Kept as just wood, it creates a natural look and makes us feel like we are outdoors and free, when we are inside and keeping warm. In this way, it makes us feel good, improving mental health and pleasing us as we look at.
Some of the most reclaimed woods are oak, Douglas fir, and redwood. One of the rarest reclaimed woods is longleaf (heart) pine because its trees take up to 500 years to mature, compared with the much more common yellow pine, which take just 50 years.
There are companies online selling mantels and furniture out of wood and you can have a choice of what wood you prefer to fit in the shades and colour schemes of your home. Whether you prefer light or dark woods, soft or hard woods.
An added feature of reclaimed timber is that it is unique. It can be a talking point among guests who will be happy that you are protecting the environment while they are admiring your choice of style. What better addition to choose for your home than to have your mantel area made from reclaimed wood. Where everyone gathers around the fireplace and talks. It will feel so homely. It will be fascinating to think about what the piece of wood, with its wonderful patina due to its age, was once used for.
With just three reasons for opting for reclaimed wood, the only choice that really remains is which colour of wood complements your home best.