The Benefits of Switching to Raw Cat Food
Raw food diets for pets are a hot topic of discussion these days. Many cat owners may wonder whether feeding raw food is the right choice for them and their feline friends.
Everyone wants to feed their cats a complete and balanced diet, and concerned cat parents may be asking themselves “are raw food diets safe?” The main reason for feeding raw foods is that cats are hunters, and in the wild cats would be eating a raw meat diet. Check out the raw food from Bella and Duke.
If you are considering switching over from dry or canned food and feeding your cat raw food, here are six benefits of eating raw food for your cat.
The Benefits of Raw Cat Food
1) Raw food is more natural
A raw pet food diet is more natural than dried or canned cat foods, as it does not contain any preservatives or additives.
Wild cats would catch and eat their prey, and feeding a biologically correct, prey-based diet is one way to stick to the natural diet of cats and avoid processed cat food.
If feeding raw bones, just monitor your cat while eating to ensure it does not choke on the bones, and that it can tolerate raw food.
2) Less smelly poop
When cats digest raw meat, they extract a lot of nutrients from the food, meaning they will defecate less. Because of the complete and balanced nutrition in a raw cat food diet, the cat will absorb a lot more from the food, and the poos will be small, dry and not as smelly.
3) Cats on a raw diet are less hungry
Pure, unprocessed protein is incredibly filling, so feeding your raw organ meat means they get a lot more protein than from commercial cat food. This will leave them satisfied for longer.
Cats that are not constantly hungry are less likely to become obese, so a raw food diet is a perfect diet for cats that are overweight or heading that way.
4) Health benefits of raw food
Supporters of a raw diet for cats say that raw chicken and other meat contributes to higher energy levels, better skin, and softer fur.
Commercial pet food sometimes contains wheat or other additives that may contribute to allergies, and switching to organic meat meals may help your feline with their allergic reactions.
There are some people who claim feeding raw will also reduce the risk of cancer developing, however, as of yet, there is no substantial scientific evidence to back these claims.
5) Raw food is better for dental health
The raw meaty bones contained in raw meals will help keep your cat’s teeth clear from plaque and tartar buildup, and also add valuable calcium to their diets.
Of course, cleaner teeth do not always mean healthier gums, but witnesses have claimed that cats that eat raw tend to have better-smelling breath and cleaner teeth.
Unfortunately, there is some evidence that cleaner teeth doesn’t necessarily mean healthier teeth, as it’s disease beneath the gum line that is considered important. It’s also worth considering that bones in any diet could actually cause damage to your cat’s teeth rather than being purely beneficial. Nevertheless, cats’ teeth are usually cleaner and less foul-smelling if they eat a raw diet.
6) Improved urinary functions
One of the main causes of sickness and death in cats is a urinary disease. Dry cat food contribute to urinary diseases as it does not contain any moisture. Cats do not have a big appetite for water, and in the wild, they depend on their meals to provide moisture.
Commercial pet foods that do not contain a lot of water means cats will not meet their water requirements, and they can develop kidney disease and urinary issues.
Raw Diet Alternatives
If you cannot afford to buy specifically designed raw food, then you can try prepare cooked food at home, or invest in quality wet food. The best meat to give your cat is human-grade meat, and avoid processed meats with preservatives like sausage or bacon.
You can also feed your cat other sources of protein, like cooked eggs, cheese and plain yogurt.
How to Safely Feed a Raw Diet
Below are some raw feeding safety tips on how to feed raw diets.
- Purchase the raw diets from a reputable manufacturer, and check the ingredients to make sure that it contains bioavailable nutrients and no additives.
- Alternate raw food with standard cat food. This will prevent nutritional deficiencies and allow your cat to get everything it needs from its food. Just remember, some cats are fussy eaters and may not enjoy having their meals alternated.
- Safely store and handle raw food. Have a dedicated freezer shelf for the food so that it does not contaminate your own food.
- Defrost food in a fridge.
- Clean the food dishes directly after raw feeding with hot, soapy water and pet-safe sanitiser.
- Responsible pet parents will wash their hands after petting their cat. The cat may spread bacteria from the raw food diet onto its skin when cleaning itself.
Final Thoughts
A raw food diet holds a lot of benefits for your cat. Feeding raw will allow your cat to have more energy, and receive more nutrients than from a commercial diet.
The most important thing is to find a feeding regime that works for you and your cat.