The Ultimate Guide to Being Way More Stylish when Wearing Glasses

If you feel as though you don’t look as stylish as you could, or if you want to make changes to how you feel daily then this is the guide for you. If you want to find out more then simply look below.

Don’t Buy Something for One Occasion

Don’t buy something for one occasion. If you are going to a wedding, a birthday party or even a reunion dinner then at least make sure you are happy with what you have chosen and make sure that you can wear it for something else. If you do then you will usually find that you can feel better and that you can also make a real difference to your outfit. Instead of buying something for an event, it is also a good idea for you to have a few dressier pieces in your wardrobe as this is a good way for you to get the versatile look you are going for. Accessorise properly, and you will find that you never end up feeling like you have the same outfit on again.

Try a New Haircut

Sometimes trying a new haircut can be a good way for you to embrace your new look. If you have had the same haircut time and time again then you may feel as though trying something new is exciting. Glasses can change the way that your facial shape is framed too, so try and keep this in mind as it could make a difference to the way you look and feel. You should try and treat your glasses as the next step in your fashion journey if you can, as it will really help you to feel more confident when wearing them.

Don’t Buy Something that Doesn’t Fit

You also have to make sure you don’t buy something that doesn’t fit. It’s not uncommon for you to hold onto items that don’t fit as you may find that you hope they fit you one day. Although there is nothing wrong with this it’s one of the worst things you can do. Be realistic and be honest with yourself. If it doesn’t fit, donate it, or throw it away. You should also make sure that you don’t buy something just because it is a bargain. It’s easy to be won over by something that seems like a deal but if you do then you may find that you never end up with something you actually like. This can be a complete waste of money, and it won’t make you feel good.

Turtle Necks are the Way to Go

If you want to look and feel perfect about yourself then believe it or not, turtlenecks can be the way to go. Turtle necks often look great with glasses, and they can be a good way for you to  boost your confidence when wearing glasses. If you order yourself a new pair of prescription glasses online, or if you have not worn glasses for a while, then you may want to take the time to find something that goes well with them. Just because you are wearing glasses doesn’t mean you can’t look fashionable while doing so, so keep that in mind.

Be Bold

When wearing glasses, some people try and opt for ones that have a thin frame if possible because they want to hide or minimise the fact that they are wearing glasses. If you want to avoid this then one thing you can do is try and opt for something a little bolder. When you opt for bold glasses, or when you opt for a bold color of top to go with your new glasses, you will soon find that you end up feeling way better about yourself and that you can also improve your self-esteem. 

Clothes Swap

When you wear glasses, you may find that it is easier for you to pull off different pieces. If you want to help yourself here then now is the time for you to try something new. Clothes swap with your friends to see if they have any pieces that you may suit, as this is a good way for you to try and get rid of something you might not usually wear. On top of this, you may find that it is a good way for you to see if new colors suit you after being stuck in the same fashion rut for quite some time. If you can keep this in mind it will make a huge difference to the way that you feel.

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