Top 8 Laser Hair Removal Tips

For those of you who are considering having laser hair removal, this is the right place. Today, we are sharing with you tips that will help you go through this procedure with a piece of mind, as you will know what to expect. So, let us start right away.
If you are ready to undergo the laser hair removal procedure, here is the list of things you need to stick to, otherwise, the procedure might not be so successful and safe.
- Keep your skin away from the Sun
You should not sunbathe and expose your skin to the sun for at least two weeks. However, practitioners recommend that the ideal time is four to six weeks. So, whenever you are outside, make sure to apply a 30 or 50 SPF sunscreen on the area you want to treat.
The same goes for treating your skin during the treatments. Make sure to protect the treated part of your body with a sunscreen.
- Don’t wax the area
Another thing is not to wax the desired area for at least four weeks before the procedure. Also, you shouldn’t bleach the area.
- Don’t shave the area for at least 3 days
Also, it is important not to shave the area for at least three days before you want to undergo the procedure. However, for the best results, do not shave the area for a week. As for shaving during the treatment, you should not shave the treated area for two weeks. That way, the practitioner would be able to see how well the laser hair removal treatment was.
- Do you have herpes?
If you often struggle with treating herpes, before the procedure, you should do anti-viral therapy.
- Use the aloe Vera gel
If you have a sensitive skin, you will probably deal with redness and itching. That’s where the aloe Vera gel comes in handy. Apply to the treated area for next couple of days and your skin will feel much better.
- Use ice if needed
If the treated area stays hot after a day of the procedure, use ice in order to reduce sensitivity.
- Forget about cosmetics and creams
We know that you will want to apply various creams on the treated area, but don’t do that. This might lead to skin irritation, and that’s the last thing you want to deal with when recovering from the laser hair removal procedure.
- Take care of your skin
The last thing to keep in mind is to stay away from heat sources, including sauna, hot oven, hot tub, and steam. In addition to that, you should not do too demanding exercises that will cause sweating. Last, be gentle when taking a shower, since your skin will be sensitive after the procedure.
Also, pay attention to the the laser hair removal system that is used for this treatment. Make sure it is new, safe and it used correctly.
The Final Word
Well, that’s about it. Laser hair removal can be a great way to eliminate unwanted hair so you should take the advantage of it, and these tips will help you with that. We hope that the laser hair removal procedure will be as smooth as it can.