Top tips for being a money savvy student

With tuition fees being so ridiculously high these days (back when I went it was only £1,500 per year!), it is important to be savvy when it comes to spending money, especially if as well as studying you enjoy having a life, like dressing up to go out, taking trips and having fun.
Here are some top tips for getting bang for your buck!
Online Promo Codes
If you know where to look you can find lots of great websites which offer discounted products, free samples and money-saving voucher codes. Student discount codes and offers are surprisingly not that easy to use. In fact, it seems like other websites go out of their way to make finding a coupon as difficult as possible. Sites like Student Discount can make it much easier. Looking for new clothes? Try the Student Discount ASOS page. Whether you’re a full-time student or simply studying in the evenings, there’s sure to be a discount suited just for you.
Student Discounts
There are many benefits of being a student when it comes to discounts with many shops, entertainment venues and restaurants signed up to provide cheaper deals via schemes such as the NUS Card. The NUS card offers great discounts on University essentials such as 20% off ALL Stationery with WHSmith, 60% off with Stuff4Students and 10% off with Endsleigh Gadget Insurance.
Text Books
One of the most expensive things you will buy in your student career will be textbooks. I remember being astounded after discovering most of the books I would need were over £50 each! A good tip is not to panic and buy them straight away but to check out the rules at the library and check out the books for as long as you can. I also recommend looking for second-hand copies online or even from past students, but be sure to check you’re buying the correct edition!
Loyalty Cards
Loyalty cards are worth it if you regularly shop at the same stores, if you prefer to shop around then they are not really for you. Tesco and Sainsbury’s have decent schemes where you get points every time you shop which can be redeemed later on. Other shops like Subway, Boots, Paperchase, Costa Coffee etc have similar loyalty schemes. Some places even give out discounts and freebies for your birthday! Bonus! Check out this great guide to the best loyalty cards available.
There are also plenty of apps out there that work similarly to loyalty cards but are easier to remember and to carry around with you! I love my Subway app as it lets me know how many points I have and how close I am to getting a free sandwich. Nando’s is also a popular app which works in a similar way – who doesn’t love free food? Just make sure to get your phone out every time you visit.
Mailing Lists
Companies love sending out newsletters, either via email or in the post, and often give out discounts and freebies to entice potential customers in. Why not sign up to some mailing lists for your favourite shops, bars and restaurants and reap the rewards? If you’re concerned about being inundated with emails then why not open up a new email address which you only use for this purpose? That way you can check for discounts when you want but your inbox won’t be flooded with them.
Social Media
These days lots of companies and brands use their social media accounts to promote deals and give out discounts. Be sure to follow your favourites on Facebook or Twitter to get up-to-date deals on all sorts of things from essentials to nights out.
So whether you’re saving up for a summer experience, saving up for your dream car, or just making sure you can afford your fees, hopefully, these tips will help you be a savvy student. Don’t forget to educate yourself about taxes so you can make sure your finances are in tip-top shape!