What a lottery win could do for me

I’ve never really considered myself lucky. I occasionally win raffle prizes and such but I’ve never won anything big like a holiday away or a big cash prize. However, like most people, I have thought about what I would spend my winnings on should I win something like the lottery online at Lottoland.
I’m not a particularly greedy person and I think should I come into a windfall I would try to save and invest as much as I could to make sure it lasts me a lifetime, however, there are a few things I would want to upgrade and improve in my life if I had the means:
I am planning to move home soon. Where I live right now isn’t really right for me so I will be looking to move in the next year or two. I know what property I will be moving to, so a lottery win would make it much easier for me to update the house and make changes.
As well as the usual decoration I plan to do, I want to add a conservatory onto the back of the house to give me extra space where I can keep my dogs, their crates and toys etc so that I can keep the rest of the house clear of canine clutter.
A lottery win would also mean that instead of moving all my old furniture I would be able to afford buying in some lovely new furniture and have a cohesive interior theme and design.
Having some extra cash would also mean I could accord a cleaner and gardener!
A few months ago I bought a new car; a Dacia Duster, which is far more suitable for ferrying around dogs and people as well as dealing with country roads than my old little Toyota Yaris.
At the time I didn’t have all of the money required to buy the car outright and having inspected the ridiculous interest charged for monthly repayments my parents kindly offered to loan me the money with 0% interest to be paid back monthly.
If I won the lottery I would pay back this debt right away and treat my parents to something special to say thank you!
I love to explore the world and although jaunts to Europe can be affordable trips further afield can be expensive. My sister treated me to a Safari last year which was just amazing, I loved every minute of exploring Kenya’s reserves and seeing the amazing wildlife and really want to return to Africa to do another Safari, however, this wouldn’t be cheap!
If I won the lottery I would love to travel to more exotic locations and treat my sister like she did for me. I’d also be able to afford business class on flights which would make the world of difference when taking long haul flights.
As well as more Safari experiences I would love to try Cruises and the ultimate luxury The Orient Express!
If I won the lottery I would allow myself to indulge in more of my hobbies. I am very craft and would love to take more courses and workshops to expand my skill. Having more funds to spend on supplies for my crafting projects would also enhance my experiences.
As well as being crafty I am quite musical and play the flute. Last year I bought an alto and bass flute and I would love to buy a case which might hold my entire collection of flutes (piccolo, 2 x concert flutes, 1 alto and 1 bass flute), which would make taking my instruments out to play in my music group far easier. One of these bespoke cases can cost upwards of £2,000 so if I won the lottery I would definitely treat myself!
Self Development
I love to learn and have done several online courses in topics that I am interested in such as nutrition and crafting. If I had the funds I would love to do more courses or even re-train and change career.
I recently started working at a wildlife foundation and I’m really interested in learning more about looking after the birds of prey and mammals at the foundation. A degree in Animal Management/ Welfare would be fantastic however, fees these days are more than £8,000 per year!
If I won the lottery and had the money I would love to do some qualifications for working with animals and maybe change career.
Charitable Giving
As I said at the start I am not a greedy person. I’m happy if I am making ends meet and have some savings in case of emergencies. If I was to win a massive amount on the lottery I would want to share my winnings with worthwhile local charities.
There are a few charities that I would want to support such as the Eagle Heights Wildlife Foundation, Second Chance Animal Rescue, the Eynsford Dementia Cafe and the Darent Valley Youth Music group.
How would you spend your lottery winnings?