What to Do With Your Stuff at the End of the University Year
Moving into university accommodation for the year is always exciting. Whether you’ve decided to live in student halls or rent a big student house with all your friends, one thing’s for sure – you’re set to have a year filled with fun. However, many students don’t prepare for the hard work of moving home.
Over a year, you can accumulate a surprising amount of stuff – especially after your student loan lands in your bank account – and getting it all back home once your tenancy is up can be more difficult than you anticipated. So, what exactly should you do with all that stuff so that you’re not carrying it all back home in the summer?
Get a Year-Long Tenancy:
If you can afford to, it can be worth getting a year-long tenancy. This is ideal for students who live some distance away from home since it means that you can still go home to stay or visit for the summer if you want to, but you’ve got somewhere to leave your stuff, and you don’t have to go and live in your old childhood bedroom again.
And if you’ve got a job in the town or city where your university is located and would like to continue working there over the summer to earn some extra cash for the year ahead, a year-long tenancy gives you that additional peace of mind that you’ve got somewhere to stay over the summer. Moving all your stuff to somewhere close by is always going to be easier if you decide to live somewhere else the next year.
Try Student Storage:
If staying in your university town isn’t an option but you don’t have the means to get all your stuff back home for the summer, consider leaving the things that you won’t need in a storage facility.
You don’t need to take all your pots and pans back home with you when there are loads of them in your mum’s kitchen, for example, but you’re going to need them for the next student year. Jennings Storage offers student storage Oxford where you can leave all that stuff you won’t need at home in safe hands until you are back for the next term at affordable prices too.
Sell It:
Ok, don’t sell all your stuff – but as you approach the end of the university year, it is worth going through your things, having a clear-out, and deciding what you can make some extra cash for instead – and make your bags lighter on the way home too.
Stuff like clothes you never wear, electronics that have been lying in a drawer since you upgraded them, or old textbooks for the last year that you’ll probably never read again can all fetch a decent amount of cash on sites like eBay, Gumtree, and Facebook Marketplace.
Ask a Friend:
Do you have a trusted friend who’s going to be staying in the area instead of going home over the summer? It might be worth asking them if they can mind some of your things for you when you go home so that you don’t have to take it all with you.
If your friend has some extra space in a cupboard or a room that’s empty in their student house at the moment, and won’t be used over the summer, it might be worth the ask.
Over a year at uni, it’s surprising how much stuff you can accumulate – and taking it all home for summer isn’t easy. Thankfully, you don’t have to take ten bags on the train with you – take a look at some of these solutions.